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Know Your Rights!

5Rights believes that crucial documents impacting children, their rights and needs must be shared with children in a language they are able to understand.

With this in mind, we have created a poster distilling the essence of the UN General comment no. 25 into child-friendly language. Conceived with classrooms and schools in mind, this poster explains in simple terms the rights that children have in the digital environment, namely:

  • their right to privacy;
  • their right to education, health and justice;
  • their right to participate;
  • their right to information;
  • their right to play and res;
  • their right to be safe;
  • their right not to be exploited;
  • their right to be heard;
  • their right to be themselves.

Available in 8 languages, we hope that this poster will be downloaded, printed and hung in classrooms across the world so that every child can learn about their rights in the online environment.

Download the poster in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish.