Tech This Out!: our youth-led podcast
Want to know what young people really think about tech? Tech This Out! is our first ever podcast entirely created by young people. Get ready to be challenged, inspired and informed as we explore the digital environment together.
Our Rights in a Digital World – Full Report
Our Rights in a Digital World documents the insights of the 709 children and young people aged 9-22 years old in 27 countries on six continents, who contributed to the consultations to inform General Comment 25.
Our Rights in a Digital World – Snapshot
Our Rights in a Digital World summarises the key findings of a major, international consultation of hundreds of children sharing insights on how digital technology impacts their rights.
Know Your Rights!
To mark the adoption of the UN General comment no. 25, 5Rights is releasing a poster for schools across the world on children’s rights in the digital world. Available in multiple languages.
Children’s rights “in our own words”
How do you make a legal document easy to understand for children? Get them to re-write it in a way they can actually understand it.
Demystifying the Age Appropriate Design Code
This report explains in child-friendly terms the objectives of the Age-Appropriate Design Code and why it is so important for children’s wellbeing.