Global Digital Compact
The Global Digital Compact was adopted at the UN Summit of the Future, aimed at securing a better digital future for all, grounded in human rights. 5Rights welcomes the positive incorporation of our recommendations.

Report on Governing AI for Humanity
The High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (AI) has published it’s final report, ‘Governing AI for Humanity’ to identify how to manage the benefits and challenges of AI, which includes important reference to children.

Expert briefing: Children’s Rights and the UN Global Digital Compact
Professor Sonia Livingstone and Dr Kim R. Sylwander, both part of the joint 5Rights-LSE Digital Futures for Children research centre, cover how we can ensure the Global Digital Compact effectively recognises the full range of children’s rights.

August Statement on Global Digital Compact Informal Consultation
5Rights’ latest call for a Global Digital Compact that prioritises the promotion, protection and implementation of children’s rights in the digital environment on behalf of a group of organisations.

March Statement on Global Digital Compact Informal Consultation
5Rights joins nine organisations calling for a Global Digital Compact (GDC) that prioritises the promotion, protection and implementation of children’s rights in the digital environment.

Updated key priority issues on child rights and the digital Environment
This joint paper highlights global efforts to protect children’s rights in the digital environment, emphasising the importance of safety, privacy, and regulation to ensure their well-being online.

5Rights’ Contribution to the Global Digital Compact
5Rights outlines priorities to ensure the EU’s metaverse vision safeguards children’s rights, calling for child-centred design and robust regulatory frameworks.

Joint submission to Global Digital Compact
This paper emphasises the need to uphold children’s rights in the digital world, aligning with the UNCRC. It calls for the UN Global Digital Compact to ensure safety, privacy, and equity for all children online.

Joint position on child rights and the digital environment
This joint position paper calls for global efforts to prioritise children’s rights in the digital world, highlighting opportunities such as the UN General Assembly and the Global Digital Compact.