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Working with and for children and young people

The internet was not designed for children and they are too often not recognised online. Their views are rarely sought or heard. 5Rights exists to change this, to empower young people and put their needs and rights at the heart of digital design.  

Youth Ambassadors


5Rights was born from listening to children and young people. From deliberative juries to ongoing consultations and in-depth research, creating spaces for young people from around the world to express themselves, be heard and have their experience and ideas understood is core to our mission. 


From peer learning to exchanges with world-leading experts, the 5Rights Youth Ambassadors Programme offers a unique platform for children and young people from all walks of life to learn, grow and challenge the status quo. 


Young people have a lot of offer both policy-makers and tech innovators. 5Rights works with children to co-create child-friendly information and materials, define policy demands, and develop innovative tools and technology that support and reflect their vision of a better digital world. 


5Rights is a youth-voice driven global movement. Young people’s views underpin all our positions and their diverse voices are directly reflected across all our output. The 5Rights Youth Advisory Board helps shape our strategy and ensures children and young people have a voice in the governance of the Foundation.  

Join our Youth Ambassadors Programme

Are you passionate about your rights in the digital world, want to learn more, or have ideas about what tech companies could do better? The 5Rights Youth Ambassadors Programme is looking for champions like you to speak up and make change happen!