Briefing on the Age Appropriate Design Code
This briefing provides an overview of the Age Appropriate Design Code and explains the main differences between the draft version and the final Code.
The Age Appropriate Design Code (‘the Code’) is the first of its kind anywhere in the world. It is a statutory code of practice setting out the specific protections that children and young people require for their data, offering a much higher level of privacy protection by default.
Data is the driving force behind many norms of the digital world, and the way children’s data is collected, shared, and used impacts significantly not just on their digital experience, but also on their wider lives. As such, the Code offers a significant and welcome change in how children and young people are protected and supported in the digital age.
The Code contains 15 ‘provisions’ relating to children’s data protection, representing a sea change in industry norms that will radically improve children and young people’s experiences
online. Read more about these provisions in the briefing.