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Supporting regulatory compliance 

5Rights works to drive practical change in service design for children, through regulatory compliance actions, technical standardisation, education and engagement with industry stakeholders.  

Regulatory compliance 

Laws need to be enforced to make a difference. 5Rights supports regulators and industry to promote compliance with laws for children’s privacy and safety online. We develop implementation and oversight frameworks, and conduct ongoing regulatory compliance monitoring. We initiate legal complaints to ensure corporate accountability for harm, but also work directly with companies to support compliance and promote best practice. 

Technical standards  

Standards are important practical tools to ensure technology is developed based on a uniform set of criteria and methodology agreed by technical experts. 5Rights works closely with international and regional standardisation organisations to develop technical standards for rights-respecting design of digital products and services, and to promote certification.  

Tools for innovators

In addition to technical standards, 5Rights works with experts to develop professional tools, codes and education materials that support designing with and for young people, and to promote examples of best practice. 

Working across the stakeholder value chain 

We recognise that corporate design is driven by complex business models and work with stakeholders across the value chain – notably advertisers – to raise awareness and drive sustainable change.  

Poki: a case study in service redesign for children

Poki, a free gaming platform with more than 60 million users worldwide, has overhauled its UK service to comply with the Age-Appropriate Design Code with 5Rights’ support.