Our story
5Rights was founded as a campaign in 2012, when film-maker Baroness Beeban Kidron investigated the impact of technology on children. The 5Rights Framework, developed with children, served as a manifesto for radical change – a mission taken up by the 5Rights Foundation from its establishment in 2018.
“If the online context were less demanding, having a smartphone at school would be less of a problem”
Shahzadi, 18
“We should make social media platforms more accountable regarding how intrusive they actually are”
Ana, 15
Our vision and mission
We have a vision of a digital world fit for children and young people, that they can access creatively, knowledgeably and fearlessly. To this end we fight for systemic change that ensures the digital world caters for them by design and default.
Our approach
We know what works. Our strategy is geared to embedding existing best practice standards firmly and consistently in the regulatory space, the engineering space and in public discourse. With strong awareness, implementation and enforcement – including in emerging tech spaces – we will make designing with children in mind a global tech industry norm.
“We don’t really appreciate quality time with each other because we are constantly on our phones”
Arjun, 12
What we do
How we work
“I don’t think it is our responsibility to protect our own data”
Alana, 11
Our partnerships
Independence and integrity are central to our approach, and a broad range of partnerships with organisations that support our mission and values underpins our success. We work with governments, intergovernmental organisations, professional associations, businesses and NGOs to deliver practical change for children.
Our values
We make change, not noise. We fight for the optimum, not the compromise. We do what is necessary, not what is convenient. We are building the future, not reinventing the past. We empower others for exponential change. We work with children and young people at the core of every process.
“A perfect digital world must be openly accessible to answer “why” and “what” with the honesty of a child and the imagination of youth”
Elina, 15
“I think the digital world should promote peace and friendship, not violence and bullying”
Marcus, 10
Our trustees
The 5Rights trustees are a group of multidisciplinary experts who share a commitment to ensuring that the digital world is safe and empowering for children. Their leadership and insights drive the organisation’s efforts to advocate for a digital environment that is safe by design.
Our team
Everyone in the 5Rights team is focused on our mission to push for a child-centred digital environment, built on the principles of safety and privacy by design and default. Through our collective effort, we continue to push for the embedding and furthering of best practices globally.
“I believe in a world where every child has the right to be heard and hear others.”
Elijah, 14