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UN adopts blueprint for AI governance

The United Nations on 19 September published a key report establishing the path forward for international cooperation on the governance of Artificial Intelligence. The Final Report of the Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Body on AI, “Governing AI for Humanity,” includes a focus on children, calling for the recognition and respect of their rights.

A young blonde girl enamoured by a machine learning robot. A woman, with her back to her camera and blurry, is taping the screen.

The report was drafted with input from multiple stakeholders through a variety of means, from deep-dive sessions to written consultation responses, which include contributions from 5Rights Foundation. The report urges the UN to lay the foundations of the first globally inclusive and distributed architecture for AI governance based on international cooperation. In turn, calling on all governments and stakeholders to work together in governing AI to foster the development and protection of all human rights.​

With regards to children, the report says that AI governance must recognise children’s right to develop free from the addictive effects of tech. Mandating child impact assessments for AI systems is essential to ensuring their suitability and safety, it says. AI systems should be designed with children’s needs in mind, incorporating safety from the start. Access to AI should empower children with agency, choices and voice, the report adds.

“Children should not be used as subjects for AI experimentation.” – United Nations AI Advisory Body

5Rights will continue to support the global efforts for AI governance, including engaging closely with the Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology.