UNESCO, Paris: Mobile Learning Week, “Skills for a connected world”

In March 2018, 5Rights founder Baroness Kidron and Acting Director Alexandra Evans attended UNESCO’s Mobile Learning Week in Paris. 

Mobile Learning Week is UNESCO’s flagship ICT in education event. This year explored the skills necessary for a connected economy and society, with a focus on digital skills and competencies. 

5Rights, and UNESCO Director for Lifelong Learning David Atchoarena, lead two workshops on global digital citizenship, skills and competencies. Participants from across the globe discussed barriers to inclusive implementation of digital skills education and training, and provided inspiring examples of good practice.

“Mobile Learning Week was a fantastic opportunity to connect with others who share 5Rights’ commitment to digital literacy.  We heard from practitioners working across the globe to empower young people to be active and informed digital citizens. Many of the innovative delivery solutions are relevant to children in the UK and I look forward to sharing case studies and learning with the 5Rights network.” – Alexandra Evans, Acting Director