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European Union

5Rights’ work drives initiatives and legislation across the EU to enhance further the rights of children in the digital space.


The EU has set itself as global leader in setting norms and regulations in the digital space. From the General Data Protection Regulation to the Digital Services Act and the Artificial Intelligence Act, the EU legislative framework has the potential to reshape digital design standards and to be truly transformational for the digital lives of children.   

Children’s experiences

On average, the 81 million of children living in the EU encounter hateful or violent content, as well as harmful advice on body image and self-harm, at least once a month. It is estimated that over 11 million children and young people aged 19 and younger in the EU suffer from a mental health condition. Children are continuously subjected to advertisements, loot boxes and persuasive design to keep them online. As children demand more privacy, safety and less intrusive services and products, 5Rights works hard to ensure that digital spaces offer age-appropriate experiences respecting of children’s rights and cognitive development. 

Our work in the EU

From consulting with policy-makers on groundbreaking legislation such as the Digital Services Act to advocating and developing tools for their robust implementation and enforcement, the team collaborates with officials from EU institutions, the Council of Europe, European standardisation bodies as well as national authorities to build the digital world young people deserve. Through our cooperation with other key civil society actors, including children’s rights organisations and consumer groups, we ensure that children’s rights in the digital environment remain at the forefront of the political and regulatory agenda.