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Help us build a digital world that respects children’s rights

Your small donation can make a big impact. Join us in creating a digital environment that children and young people can access safely, creatively, and fearlessly.

Why your donation matters 

Even a small donation can make a big difference for children. Your support helps us:

  • Hold tech companies accountable for harms they cause.
  • Educate and empower children so they are safer online.
  • Ensure children are heard, and their rights upheld by governments and the tech industry.
  • Help children shape innovation, so it delivers for them.

Why give now?

The digital world is evolving rapidly, and children’s safety and privacy are more at risk than ever. We know what works and have the expertise to make real, lasting change. But we need your help to continue this work.

With your donation, you’ll join a growing community of supporters who believe in a future where children can thrive online. Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to creating a safer digital future for children.

Trust and transparency

We are committed to ensuring that your donations are used effectively. We partner with governments, NGOs, and international organisations to create meaningful, lasting change. Your support allows us to remain focused on the mission of a digital world that upholds children’s rights and caters to their needs.

Depending on your location, your donation may be tax-deductible. Please consult your tax advisor or local authorities for more information on whether your contribution qualifies for tax relief.